Emergency, call for help: +36 30 383 8383

About us

Our organization was founded on the autumn of 1999 in one of the winter buildings of the Youth Center of Zánka. Almost 30 people gathered together with one specific aim, to form a civil, non-profit water rescue association, which can efficiently help to prevent and eliminate water accidents on Lake Balaton. Among the founding members, there were plenty of yachtsmen, swimmers, water lovers and we were determined to do something, because the current situation was unacceptable.

At the beginning, we restricted our area of operation to Lake Balaton only, but when it was needed, we managed to help on other regions as well. When our organization was formed, we chose the name Water Rescue Services of Lake Balaton, to show our clear intention that we wish to operate on a professional level. We started to implement our definite conceptions and thanks to that, we accomplished a lot.

Our success can be approached from different perspectives, let's see a few of them:

  • Our Association has more than a thousand active members,
  • we organize and execute about twenty lifeguard courses a year.
  • we were able to reach hundreds of schools around the lake with our prevention program.
  • Our qualified lifeguards serve on more than 50 beaches around Lake Balaton, and we are present on over 80 locations in the country.
  • We are operating 5 rescue bases with 9 rescue boats on different locations around Lake Balaton.
  • We have already rescued almost 3,000 people from the water since our foundation

Our achievements give us the strength and energy to carry on further tasks and accomplish more in the future. On the summer of 2006. based on our Presidency’s advice, our general meeting decided to extend our area of operation to the whole country. We believe, that what works well and able to develop on Lake Balaton, will do the same on other parts of the country. Therefore, our association changed its name to Water Rescue Services of Hungary (WRSH). Today, we are operating in eight counties of the country.

Our results are based on an exemplary collaboration. Our persistent and dedicated team receives significant and continuous support from our sponsors, professional sponsors and not least, the government sector to achieve our professional goals.

There is a lot to do, enough for everybody, so hurry up, we are waiting for you!

Meet our supporters

Das Welt Auto
Hungarikum Alkusz
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Balaton Fejlesztési Tanács
Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
Rudi Transport Kft.
Abroncs kereskedőház
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

Meet our cooperative partners

Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat
Az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület
Wein János Alapítvány
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
Bujdosó Pincészet
AbOvo Média Kft.
BL YachtClub & Apartments
Rudy Project
CodeVision Kft.
Igor Corner Internet Kft.
CarNet csoport eng
Kürt Zrt.