Emergency, call for help: +36 30 383 8383

Deepwater Rescue

VMSZ has been dealing with asset salvage since its establishment. With the help of our rescue boats, Diving Service and partners, we are able to handle any rescue task. From ice melting to freezing at Lake Balaton, one of our ships has a non-stop duty, and the other rescue boats are serving from mid-May to late September, 24 hours 7 days a week.

In addition to beach rescue, VMSZ also conducts deep-water rescue operations. This is, in fact, a rescue activity outside the "range" of beach lifeguards carried out by the Association with rescue boats.

The Association owns 9 vessels. With the cooperative organizations working in the rescue management system, VMSZ is available on rescue bases established at 10 points of Lake Balaton for those in need.

Our boats are made of rigid plastic body with rubber sidewalls, powered by modern four-stroke engines. Each of their crew consists of at least two qualified lifeguards and who are certified official boat drivers. The parameters of the boats and the knowledge and equipment of the crew allow them to withstand almost any weather situation.

From the summer of 2009, the newly deployed Rupert OB 32 Cabin, the first emergency rescue boat on Lake Balaton, plays a prominent role in organizing VMSZ's deep-water rescue. In addition to the qualified lifeguard personnel, the crew of the boat also has an ambulance officer and nurse.

Communication between the rescue boats is provided by the EDR radio system, which allows the boats not only to communicate with each other, but also with the Rescue Management Center, the Balaton Water Police, the National Ambulance Service and the Siófok Storm Alarm Observatory, and in addition by using Balatrönk 2 they can communicate with Coast Lifeguards. All communications with the Rescue Management Center are recorded and archived, and the routes and tasks of the boats are documented, so that individual events can be retrieved and analyzed, thereby helping to achieve a better, more effective operation.
Standard equipment of our boats are a GPS transmitter, semi-automatic defibrillator and basic diving equipment.

Rescue boats are alerted by the Chief of staff upon notification to the Rescue Management Center. With the help of the tracking system, the current position and direction of the ships are constantly monitored by the Chief so that the ship closest to the reported accident can be alerted, thus minimizing the time between the report and the arrival to the scene, which is vital.

Deepwater rescue units are basically engaged in the following activities:

  • lifesaving
  • asset salvage
  • event insurance
  • search, damage prevention, environmental protection in cooperation with the diving service

The most important task that always has the highest priority is the rescue of people, that is free of charge.

All other activities performed by VMSZ are for payment.

By asset salvage we mean:

  • searching for drifting water devices and towing them to the shore
  • rescuing ships that had sat on shell
  • tow boats to their port when they are unable to maneuver
  • lifting flipped or sank boats in co-operation with our Special Dive Unit with the help of special lifting bags and high-performance pumps.

VMSZ insures several events with rescue boats at Lake Balaton and other locations. These include the internationally known Balaton Cross Swimming, Balaton Cross Rowing, Blue and White Ribbon Sailing Competitions, TBS Grand Prix Sailing Competition, Balaton Sound, B my Lake, and more.

Together with our dive service, rescue boats are often involved in the search for a missing person in a water accident, flood control, embankment reinforcement work. They are also involved in sludge and water sampling activities that is important from an environmental, limnological point of view.

You can find the prices of our services here:

Service rates

Meet our supporters

Das Welt Auto
Hungarikum Alkusz
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Balaton Fejlesztési Tanács
Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
Rudi Transport Kft.
Abroncs kereskedőház
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

Meet our cooperative partners

Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat
Az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület
Wein János Alapítvány
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
Bujdosó Pincészet
AbOvo Média Kft.
Rudy Project
Igor Corner Internet Kft.
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