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We are delighted to receive positive feedback from our workplaces in both Lake Balaton and the countryside. The following letters tell a lot regarding our partners' opinions about us and our long-term cooperation. We are proud of the good working relationships we have established so far, and our priority is to build similarly well-functioning new relationships because we believe in the power of collaboration.

We hope we can introduce your letter here soon!

“Since the early 2000s, VMSZ lifeguards have been serving on the beaches of Révfülöp during the summer months, so that beach guests can take a bath and exercise under the supervision of qualified lifeguards, which will definitely improve the quality of service at Révfülöp beaches. Those who want to go to the beach prefer to go to a beach where they can keep their families and themselves safe. … Géza Kondor, Mayor of Révfülöp and Sándor Bagyó, President of VMSZ agree that the kind of cooperation that has been operating between the town and the Association for years, has been fruitful and has a lot of positive benefits for both parties. It is reassuring to the mayor that Révfülöp is waiting for its guests with safe beaches secured by VMSZ lifeguards and a strong professional and technical background, and VMSZ is pleased to be able to work with an open, supportive management, beach operators and staff who will greatly facilitate the work of lifeguards in their daily lives. I would like to continue to maintain this well-established cooperation, to enrich it with new ideas and common projects. Géza Kondor said that based on the good experience of previous years, he has the utmost confidence in the high quality service provided by VMSZ. As before, he continues to imagine working with the Water Rescue Services of Hungary. Sándor Bagyó said he was pleased that the Municipality of Révfülöp had managed to establish such a well-functioning, smooth professional relationship, and he is looking forward to working together further, because it is a pleasure to work with Révfülöp. This cooperation is a guarantee that the beaches of Révfülöp will continue to be offered with high quality services and VMSZ lifeguards in 2020.

(Quote from an article in the January 2020 issue of Révfülöp's "Exemplary Collaboration between Révfülöp and the Lifeguards")

For the eighth year since the launch of the Winter Sailing Race Series, we have been working closely with Water Rescue Services of Hungary. They always do their job professionally, so we try to act like a partner in our own way: we have provided space for a press conference on several occasions, but we are also proud to host the VMSZ Ball for the second time this year. We were the first port of Lake Balaton to conclude the BalatonHelp service for all our sailboats, which our tenants were delighted to receive! They have a professional solution to all our crazy ideas, so they also secured the first Balatonlelle Ice Carnival, where we made the famous ice duck and ice cream swarm out of Lake Balaton’s ice.

(Balázs Tóth, BL Yacht Club, Balatonlelle)

"As an organizer, it is important and reassuring to us that there is a team that watches the lives of Hungarian and foreign competitors from morning to night. Our cooperation is very good. We were satisfied with their work and they performed their task precisely and accurately. Their attitude was professional in line with the quality of the event. We met competent, sympathetic, open-minded colleagues. Thank you for your cooperation and hope we can count on them in the future.”

(Gábor Czikmántory, Senior Advisor, National Sports Agency - 34th LEN European Water Polo Championship)

“The health insurance of the 34th LEN European Water Polo Championship was implemented in a unified system with the cooperation of three service providers - the National Ambulance Service, Semmelweis Health Care Ltd. and Water Rescue Services of Hungary. After the closing of the event, we can state that the excellent work and cooperation of these service providers has unobtrusively contributed to the success of the 34th LEN Water Polo Championship.

(Dr. Szabolcs Tóth, Sports Health Expert of the National Sports Agency)

"Dear Mr. President! The MH Recreation, Training and Conference Center would like to express its gratitude for the service provided during the 2019 season. I ask the President to express our thanks to those involved. Sincerely, Colonel Otto Piros Commander”

(MH Recreation, Training and Conference Center, Balatonakarattya)

“Dear Lifeguard Service! This year, the lifeguards assigned to Balatonakali Beach performed their service according to the usual high standards. The usual cutting injuries and stings were solved with their help. The attitude of the colleagues and the communication from both the service staff and the liaison and managing staff was highly positive. The safe operation of the beach was continuously facilitated, the work of the beach caretaker was supported and the necessary information and instructions were given in a timely manner. Their equipment was kept in good order, carefully handled, and protected. There was a major event, a successful resuscitation, in which rescuers, first responders, and shore personnel all participated. All participants did their job and as a team we passed the exam very well! Thanks to all colleagues! Thank you for your work, hoping for further successful cooperation… ”

(Ágnes Kovács, beach manager of Balatonakali)

“As in previous years, I can give positive feedback on the work of lifeguards this year. It is a huge task and responsibility to secure the Zánka camp, which VMSZ colleagues have solved professionally this year. I would like to point out that, after major storms and the lake band changes, VMSZ colleagues immediately helped to fill the problematic areas with sand on first request. I would also like to point out that during this season, the VMSZ colleagues' behavior was exemplary in their assigned accommodation."

(David Kiskós, director of the Zánka Erzsébet Camp)

“First of all, thank you very much for your work and cooperation during the summer season of 2019. For my part, I am overall satisfied with the quality of the service. The skills and cooperation of our colleagues are adequate. ”

(Ildikó Herczeg-Balogh, Camping Manager, Napfény Camping, Révfülöp)

"From the viewpoint of the council of Szigliget, we are pleased with the lifeguards working at Szigliget."

(Balassa Balázs, Mayor of Szigliget)

“As a beach manager at Club Tihany, I can say that the service has improved a lot over the last few years. This is what I see first and foremost in the aptitude and attitude of the staff, the rescue team. This year we were fully satisfied! The quality of the water rescue service is high, whether in terms of organization, preparedness, or equipment. This gives us operators a complete sense of security. Thank you very much!"

(Katalin Zólyomi, beach manager at Club Tihany)

“I would like to thank them for their work during the 2019 season. The people of the service did their job well and there was no complaint about their work. They were helpful to the guests and did a great job on storm alerts. ”

(Gyula Sólyom, village manager of Zánka)

"Thank you for the cooperation! I would highlight the work of two colleagues with whom we would like to work with next year. They kept the boat in order, observed the guests, and conscientiously did the boat service. They always spoke and the storm signal was heard aloud. Their communication with colleagues and guests is respectful, discreet and attentive, which is essential here. Their work and sense of responsibility are exemplary. Thanks for working with them! ”

(Villő Mártonné Hajduk, Camping Manager of Berény Naturist Camp)

Meet our supporters

Das Welt Auto
Hungarikum Alkusz
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Balaton Fejlesztési Tanács
Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
Rudi Transport Kft.
Abroncs kereskedőház
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

Meet our cooperative partners

Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat
Az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület
Wein János Alapítvány
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
Bujdosó Pincészet
AbOvo Média Kft.
BL YachtClub & Apartments
Rudy Project
CodeVision Kft.
Igor Corner Internet Kft.
CarNet csoport eng
Kürt Zrt.