Emergency, call for help: +36 30 383 8383

Pool Lifeguard Service

Cooperation offer of the Hungarian Water Rescue Service and the Volunteer Firefighter Brigade Association for professionally perform pool lifeguarding services.

What we offer you:

Complete, professional, full-fledged swimmer assignment at your strand with pool /pool. In case of entering into a contract, for the fee specified in the contract (and further detailed in the section "What we ask from you"), our Association provides you with the following services, without additional charges:

  • Recruit a qualified pool lifeguard for the duration and number of hours contracted by your pool.
  • The qualified lifeguard works within the framework of our Association, so you have no additional administrative duties related to the lifeguard's employment.
  • All of our lifeguards work as legal workers at your beach.
  • We operate a continuous quality assurance system, which includes visiting your beach at least once a month. We have regular rescue and resuscitation exercises with our pool lifeguards.
  • Pool on the shore of Lake Balaton from HUF 21,100 + VAT / day / person
  • Pool in the countryside 22,450, - HUF + VAT / day / person
  • Pool in Budapest from 26,200 HUF + VAT / day / person
  • The knowledge of our lifeguards is up-to-date, and they are required every year to pass a theoretical test (a level test sheet) and a practical demonstration (water rescue, resuscitation).
  • For our swimming masters the Rescue Management Center (Center) operated by VMSZ is always available by telephone and assists them in the event of an emergency.
  • The list of "Beaches provided by VMSZ" on our website (www.vizimentok.hu) also contains information about your beach (beach name, exact address, opening hours). Based on our performance and work so far, our association has caught the attention of the media, and we would also recommend your beach in this city.

What we ask from you:

Our association can undertake the above-mentioned complex services with the following financial remuneration:

  • Swim master service: for the period agreed in the contract, which will be paid against the invoice, as specified in the contract.

Our commitment prices for 10 hours a day:

Pool Balaton 21.100, - HUF + VAT / person
Pool Country 22,450, - HUF + VAT / person
Pool Budapest 26.200, - HUF + VAT / person

All of our highly qualified staff work as legal workers throughout the service.

  • Housing Contribution: For the period agreed in the contract, which will be paid against the invoice, as specified in the contract.

Pool at Lake Balaton 1,900, - Ft + VAT / day / person
Pool Country 1,900, - HUF + VAT / day / person
Pool Budapest 2.500, - HUF + VAT / day / person

If the beach is able to provide a working lodging for the lifeguard(s) in the serving the area, that is acceptable to the VMSZ, in accordance with the conditions of the cultured housing, this amount will of course not be charged.

Meet our supporters

Das Welt Auto
Hungarikum Alkusz
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Balaton Fejlesztési Tanács
Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
Rudi Transport Kft.
Abroncs kereskedőház
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

Meet our cooperative partners

Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat
Az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület
Wein János Alapítvány
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
Bujdosó Pincészet
AbOvo Média Kft.
BL YachtClub & Apartments
Rudy Project
CodeVision Kft.
Igor Corner Internet Kft.
CarNet csoport eng
Kürt Zrt.