Emergency, call for help: +36 30 383 8383

Prevention Program

One of the main tasks of our association is to reduce the number of water accidents. In our accident prevention lectures, we draw attention to the dangers of staying in the water and on the shore, and to the rules of good behavior in such an environment. We want to reach out to as many children, youngsters, adults and parents as we can because we know: most accidents can be prevented!

VMSZ prevention program

Since our foundation, we have been working to reduce the number of water accidents and ensure that those in need receive the fastest and highest level of assistance. We are technically and professionally capable of providing very fast and efficient assistance in all circumstances.

Nonetheless, we identify our primary task to prevent accidents.

Our background and tools help us:

  • We receive continuous alerts of expected weather conditions and sudden emergencies from the Meteorological Center
  • Our Rescue Management Center is in constant radio contact with the Water Police Authority, the National Ambulance Service, and we are available on the shipping emergency channel by radio.
  • We are in constant communication with all of our beach lifeguard colleagues who are on the beach and provide monitoring service even in bad weather conditions.
  • Our rescue boats are regularly launched with the aim of making so-called preventive trips before a quickly coming storm or on days when the weather conditions or a special event increases the number of visitors on the beaches and the waterfront.

However, this is often not enough. In many cases we help in situations where the carelessness and irresponsibility are clear and well perceived.

That is why we announced our prevention program, which is meant to raise awareness of the dangers of staying in the water, on the shore by organizing lectures and conversations, and that most accidents can be avoided by approaching the water with care and attention.

We are getting more and more invitations for such lectures, and we are happy to do so. There are events to which we have been called back for years and we seize every opportunity.

The program is good, successful and rewarding. As a result, there is a growing need that motivates us to look for ways to reach more places, more children, young people, adults and parents.

How does it work in pratice?

On request, our colleagues visit kindergartens, schools, events, camps, and any venue where, after a short presentation, and getting to know each other, involving the participants we talk about the basic rules that must be followed when swimming, or on the ice of open waters during winter.

During a presentation, 30-40 minutes is enough to highlight the most important sources of danger. This means that a meeting for a class for a lesson at school also makes sense. As the summer vacation approaches, each head teacher spends at least an hour giving helpful advices to his students. We're glad to help!

If more time is available, we can engage the participants much more actively in the conversation. In the meantime, we'll show you some of our tools, some of our equipment, that you can get to know closer, and some general rescue tools are available for testing, depending on your location. We play short films about our lifeboats and the work of our deep-water rescue teams.

After prior consultation, larger school events can be made more colorful with multiple teams and continuous presence, while also engaging in preventive activities.

The first day program of summer day care and "boarding" children's camps - ideally, a description of the rules for bathing. We'll help you with that too! The first few days of the turnaround will certainly give you time to meet on the beach and talk about things to keep in mind.

You can contribute or even be a part of our prevention activity.

Contact us and help our colleagues reach children, young people and adults!

Water Rescue Services of Hungary and Volunteer Firefighter Brigade
E-mail: info@vizimentok.hu
Phone: +36 30 538 2151

Information about our prevention program:
Illés Zoltán +36 30 388 7838
E-mail: illeszoltan@vizimentok.hu

Meet our supporters

Das Welt Auto
Hungarikum Alkusz
Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
Balaton Fejlesztési Tanács
Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
Rudi Transport Kft.
Abroncs kereskedőház
Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

Meet our cooperative partners

Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat
Az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Rádiós Segélyhívó és Infokommunikációs Országos Egyesület
Wein János Alapítvány
Balatonfüredi Yacht Club
Bujdosó Pincészet
AbOvo Média Kft.
BL YachtClub & Apartments
Rudy Project
CodeVision Kft.
Igor Corner Internet Kft.
CarNet csoport eng
Kürt Zrt.